

Hello! 👋 I'm Aditya!




Hi, my name is Aditya! I'm a student, software engineer, and musician with a passion for learning! Firstly, I'm a sophomore CS major at UW-Madison. I have skills in Web Development, Game Design, System Design, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and more. I'm always looking for opportunities, so feel free to contact me below! Additionally, I'm a professional Indian Classical artist, and I perform vocal and konakkol globally.

This website is a medium for me to display projects, music updates, and share a part of myself on the internet! Thank you for taking the time to check out my work, stay tuned for more!



Full stack application in React/Django for NBA statistics, visualization, and modeling for players and teams. Classification models trained on historical data used to predict and classify players.


Text-generation chatbot trained in python to emulate the mannerisms of Rick Sanchez. Integrated with a reactive chat loop and packaged using React and Django.

Leveling Up

Comprehensive guide for game design and development covering several languages and technologies. Projects detailed in the publications are written in Python, Java, Solidity, and C++.


I've been an Indian Classical Musician for 15 years, and it's a major part of my identity. I learn vocal from Smt. Bhargavi Balasubramanian and konakkol for Shri Akshay Anantapadmanabhan. I perform both locally in the US and across the globe, and I'm deeply interested in exploring fusion and other aspects of music. Check out my previous concerts and any future updates I have for my musical journey!